Sunday, 21 August 2011

1! - I have a plan!

Less than 24 hours to go to end my Maintenance phase. I am not really excited about it for I view eating now with some form of trepidations. Eating with no guidelines that is. After this, I must introduce sugar and starch slowly to my daily dietary intake. I have done without it for (roughly, cheating not counted) 49days and i haven't missed the bulk of it like rice or pasta. What I do miss is bread, whole meal ones. I told MG the first thing I am going to make that contain carbohydrate proper will be a sardine sandwich! Hehe, of all the things in the world! 

I hope and pray that I will maintain a healthy and balanced diet after this and will not gorge nor bow to any more gluttony in the future. My daily calories requirement will be 1913kCal and my basal metabolic rate is 1234kcal. If I want to shed the last few kilos to reach my ideal body weight of 59-62kg, I will have to reduce the calories intake and increase my activities (calories expenditure). Cest la Vie!  Eat moderately and eat regularly, chew slowly, include variety, exercise regularly and weigh myself daily. There! Does that sound like a plan?

I am having  a few guests over for Iftar today and have already made Nasi Impit, Kuah Lodeh, Sambal Kacang and I have the chicken marinating in my fridge to be deep-fried later. I also made Epok Epok Sardin (yes,Sardines is one of my favorite thing!) and later will make watermelon smoothie. I will just have the Kuah Lodeh with the fried chicken for Iftar and tomorrow for sahur will have the Nasi Impit as an introduction to rice (carbohydrate) again.

I don't know whether to continue this blog post Hcg diet. It has served its purpose and me well. A good place to rant and rave and let my frustrations out. I hope it has help others who read it as much as it had helped me!

 Selamat berbuka puasa, friends!


  1. Lin, end of the day the worse are sugar and white starch... So if we eat sensibly, weigh everyday, do correction when necessary and as much as possible take less sugar and switch to brown/ whole meal starch...we should be ok... All the best..glad that you've done so well!

  2. thanks jai, for the support and the guidance.

    i think i can do without the obvious sugar and starch. it is the hidden ones .. anyway, it takes sensibility and discipline to maintain a healthy wt. At least the awareness is there now!
